
How can I contact Technical Support?
If you are in need of technical assistance, please call 1-877-405-8070 or email: support@mwdata.net


How can I change my Password and check my spam filter?

To change your password go to:

http://apps.<domain.com (example http://apps.tarkio.net)

Login with your full email address and password.

In the upper right hand corner you will see a gear icon.  Click on that icon and select “Manage Profile.” Click on the “Change Password” link on the left side under the “Account Information” box. Enter your current password, then enter your new password into the “New Password” box and “Verify Password” box and click “Change Password”

To check your spam filter settings from the Apps Portal main page under the App Launcher box click on the “Spam Filter” icon.



How can I check my email from work or from a different computer?
You can easily access your email from any computer in the world that has Internet access. Simply visit your local homepage, click on the Webmail link and enter your Username and Password.


How can I check my email from work or from a different computer?
You can easily access your email from any computer in the world that has Internet access. Simply visit your local homepage, click on the Webmail link and enter your Username and Password.


Email Configuration


What are my email account settings? Email Address: username@fairfaxmo.com
Incoming Mail Server: mail.fairfaxmo.com
IMAP Server (preferred method): mail.fairfaxmo.com
Outgoing Mail Server: send.fairfaxmo.com
Homepage: http://www.fairfaxmo.com/
Webmail: http://webmail.fairfaxmo.com
Account Portal: http://apps.fairfaxmo.com (Change Password)



What are my email account settings? Email Address: username@grantcity.net
Incoming Mail Server: mail.grantcity.net
IMAP Server (preferred method): mail.grantcity.net
Outgoing Mail Server: send.grantcity.net
Homepage: http://www.grantcity.net/
Webmail: http://webmail.grantcity.net
Account Portal: http://apps.grantcity.net (Change Password)



What are my email account settings? Email Address: username@hamburgia.net
Incoming Mail Server: mail.hamburgia.net
IMAP Server (preferred method): mail.hamburgia.net
Outgoing Mail Server: send.hamburgia.net
Homepage: http://www.hamburgia.net/
Webmail: http://webmail.hamburgia.net
Account Portal: http://apps.hamburgia.net (Change Password)



What are my email account settings? Email Address: username@rpt.coop
Incoming Mail Server: pull.rpt.coop
IMAP Server (preferred method): pull.rpt.coop
Outgoing Mail Server: send.rpt.coop
Homepage: http://www.rpt.coop/
Webmail: http://webmail.rpt.coop
Account Portal: http://apps.rpt.coop (Change Password)



What are my email account settings? Email Address: username@tarkio.net
Incoming Mail Server: mail.tarkio.net
IMAP Server (preferred method): mail.tarkio.net
Outgoing Mail Server: send.tarkio.net
Homepage: http://www.tarkio.net/
Webmail: http://webmail.tarkio.net
Account Portal: http://apps.tarkio.net (Change Password)



What are my email account settings? Email Address: username@squawcreek.net
Incoming Mail Server: mail.squawcreek.net
IMAP Server (preferred method): mail.squawcreek.net
Outgoing Mail Server: send.squawcreek.net
Homepage: http://www.squawcreek.net/
Webmail: http://webmail.squawcreek.net
Account Portal: http://apps.squawcreek.net (Change Password)